Wall ISD - High School Renovations

Wall, TX

About the project

The renovation of the existing classroom building at Wall High School included updating all classrooms, corridors, and restrooms with new flooring, paint, millwork, doors, and lighting. The gym renovation included new wall pads and the space under the bleachers was redesigned into storage and locker rooms. Both girls’ and boys’ locker rooms were updated with new lockers, benches, and updated showers. The band hall and theater area were also renovated, including extending the stage, relocating the sound and light controls, and installing a new theater curtain. The old administrative offices were redesigned to accommodate new dressing rooms and storage areas for the One Act Play department. All interior flooring, ceiling, and lights were updated, the break room was relocated and a new office was built for the counselors.


See all Wall ISD projects.

Project Overview


Wall ISD

Project Delivery



MWM Architects

Project Details

33,861 SF